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World News

Russia-Ukraine War

The war in the Ukraine surpasses two years. The Ukrainian counter-offensive largely saw little to negligible gains but massive casualties, deaths on both sides and huge amounts of aid, munition and humanitarian aid. Recently Ukraine was forced to retreat from the town of Avdiivika which is somewhat reminiscent of the battle for Mauripol at the begiining of the war.

April 12th , Recently Switzerland has indicated that it will hold talks to negotiate a peace plan for Russia and the Ukraine. If you have read my tweets from two years ago, I advocated several neutral countries and the respective countries involved to engage in a process. I indicated the countries could be: Switzerland, India, Turkey, Brazil, South Africa; the two countries at war, and perhaps a country that appears not as neutral but yet uninvolved seriously, hence we could take both France and China to balance things here.

Ukraine moves to increase and mobilize hundreds of thousands of more men. In an unlikely move,consular services abroad have been put on hold for military age men. Rumors have that some half a million men have been either killed, injured or require demobilisation.

Israel-Gaza and Palestine conflict

The initial conflict in Gaza and has expanded to all parts of Gaza creating humanitarian concerns for the Palestinian people as Israel vouches to eliminate Hamas. Many of Hamas’ leaders have been in exile or remain in exile and are not personally partaking in the defense.

There has been an escalation of war to the west Bank, Lebanon and Yemen , with the Houthis targeting trade ships in the Red sea. Trade remains impacted through the Suez canal.

Of late the Egyptians have built a wall to cater for migrants from Rafah as fighting intensifies.

April 12th 2024

While Israel has withdrawn troops from Southern Gaza, it indicated it still intended to attack rafah. As far as a hostage exchange might work, hamas has indicated it has a limited number of hostages to exchange that are still living which is a worrying revelation but not entirely unexpected.

Iran attacked Israel with up to 300 drones and ballistic missiles. 99 percent were shot down with minimal to negligible damage or loss of life in Israel. The attack was called for Iran due to the killing of its senior officers in Damascus. Dubbed as ” Operation True Promise”

The current situation The fact that Iran issued a statement “consider the matter concluded” and the US issued.a.statement that it would not support an Israeli counteroffensive, one would reckon with a lower probability now of an Israeli strike. That said these are arch enemies and the Israelis like the Iranians find it inherently difficult not to have the last say and perhaps have long sought a justification to attack Iran, as such an aggravation doesn’t come all too often.


Israel responded in what can be described in a rather controlled and tamed manner with a singular ballistic strike. Iran dismissed the response as insignificant and consequently the situation has temporarily stabilized. We might have envisioned this as the Iranian elite have to much to lose with a full scale war with Israel.

Inflation and Migration in Europe

Europe has experienced some of the worst inflation for decades. Mostly impacted are housing and food prices. These costs are largely creating super profits for landlords and corporation holdings of property and large corporations selling food stuffs. Farmers have profited less and tenants and the average worker is pushed.

The problem America faces with huge number of migrants is in many ways resembled in Europe. A large of these are fleeing war in Europe, while others are fleeing war zones in Africa or seeking to better their lives in Europe.

Many European countries inadequately provided for the lower sectors of society before this time. The huge surge in migration has only added to the scarcity of resources and pushed many others out of housing due to rising rents and the unavailability of low cost accommodation.

Many landlords have chosen to develop or use their property for government programs rather than renting to to low income households.

April 12

Recent inflation figures in the US came in over three percent in the CPI. EU inflation figures down 20 2.6 percent. Both the EU and the US have indicated at rate cuts. We would need some deflation in housing and food to actually reverse the two bad years of inflation that occurred from 2021-2023.

US Foreign Aid Law

Recently the US Congress passed a foreign aid package in the region of 90 billion dollars to bolster defenses with some humanitarian spending in all of the Ukraine, Israel and the South China Sea. On a economic perspective ,we think such spending with massive debt can also only expedite inflation.


We here encourage removal of red tape to allow planning an extensive building of housing.This purpose is to reduce the social burden and also allow citizens and legal migrants to be adequately housed. I would deem a fair housing rent to be no more than 40 percent of the monthly income for a minimum wage worker. I think European nations need to aspire and meet this target. This would be the price for a a single housing unit or a family housing unit where there are two workers in the household. For example it might be necessary to cap rents at 500 euro in the euro zone for a single unit and 800 euro for a family unit. Both being a private residence.

European Measures to quickly counter Inflation

I have a number of proposals to create better living conditions and quickly counter inflation in the Eurozone area.

  1. Tax all second properties ,reduce and eliminate all tax breaks for investment properties and have a incremental scale of tax for multiple properties.
  2. Increase the banking reserve rate,the amount of cash banks need to hold, increase the basal requirements for banks to secure their depositors and drastically reduce if not eliminate the fractional reserve policy.
  3. Immediately reduce the amount of EU buying of sovereign government debt to discourage increased debt in the Eurozone.
Inflation Bitcoin above 70k for a bite, Gold at record highs. Illegal migration, migrants without criminal background checks and proper visas. Terror threats in Europe.
These have given rise to an exigency in Europe.

US Congress Foreign aid Package

The US Congress recently passed a roughly 90 billion dollar aid package for essentially military spending that included some humanitarian spending. The package sought to bolster defenses in the Ukraine,Israel and the China Sea region. We think again this spending will result in inflation in the US economy.

EU Anti-Inflationary purposals

To counter inflation in the Eurozone a number of measures need to be undertaken.

Firstly, an increase in the banking reserve rate the percentage of cash banks need to hold.

Secondly, we would encourage a tightening of the banking fractional reserve system and an update to the Basal banking accords. Ultimately dramatically limiting the banking lending policy with the aim of securing the banking system ,limiting false profits to banking institutions and controlling inflation.

Thirdly, to tackle both inflation and the housing crisis, I propose a tax on all investment properties and second properties.

Recently both bitcoin and gold have traded higher than ever. Gold went higher than $2,200 and bit coin reached all-time highs surpassing $70,000. Both have pulled back since recently. Reasons for these unseen highs seem to be huge amounts of liquidity and cash in the global markets, inflations fears and the recent FED notes and meetings indicating that the Federal Reserve will instigate up to three rate cuts in the year 2024. The US national debt now tops approx 34 trillion dollars. Many are running to other forms of monetary assets such as crypto or precious metals. The Euro should be the currency people seek refuge in as monetary easing is much more restricted in the European powerhouse of the European Union.

Gold has gone from new high to new high, now trading at approximately $2,400 an ounce. Here we look at the main reason for the rise in the price of the precious metal not necessarily inflation but unchecked monetary policy, increases in the government debt and reduced buying power of fiat currencies, coupled with a property market that has been the number one increase in inflation in the last 15 years.

For those who wish to speculate in the world markets: stocks,crypto, Currencies , commodities such as gold and silver, I’ve dedicated a space here.

I have dedicated a number of pages to fitness, healthy living and achieving your fitness goals. You can read more here: FITNESS

You can check out my travel advice and tips on Asia here: Asia Travel

I have a section here on philosophical concepts for healthy living and decision making in a world that is full of compulsion, stress and anxiety.