Modern Philosophy in the 21st Century

A modern philosophical concept I want to familiarize yourself with is the third choice. I deem this a necessary precept in light of the compulsive choice that modern society presents itself to its inhabitants, citizens and classes. What is often represented as a choice is disguised as a compulsion , this is often the case when one option is repulsive ,objectionable or disagreeable as it may be.

Hence, the third choice in cases of compulsion requires hesitation, reflection , abstinence or simply put DOING NOTHING.

I would like to in this regard reflect on the upcoming and past elections in Russia and the United States. Are real choices being presented to the populace. Let’s reflect on the upcoming US elections. Is the Biden Trump upcoming debacle something that most people are really interesting in partaking in ? The third choice would be an independent candidate. Then, many of the best independent candidates are perhaps excluded by the financial and electoral system in place that makes it virtually impossible for a candidate of limited means to seek the Presidency. While there is one independent candidate RFK running, I question whether he is necessarily the choice for most as an independent candidate.

The third choice has much much wider application and practice in life down to your simple decisions and something you can reflect upon more often.

I will later expand on modern philosophical precepts on this page.

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