Yes it is possible to eat the above and not need to despair that this will jeopardize or ruin your health.
As far as other things, remember the maxim at little bit of poison won’t kill you but makes you stronger, so that 1 cake, few glasses of wine is likely to be a plus rather than a minus. As we are being inundated with healthy living/alternate-living styles on social media, many struggle to focus on what’s real, good for them, practical for them or just false or untrue as the case may be.
You will see people promoting vegan, vegetarian and then on the extreme others who argue for an all meat diet. In many cases both sides proffer up evidence of one’s superiority over the other. I ask you the basic question, how can the vegan diet be the most healthy as stated by one experienced dietician or health promoter and the the carnivore diet promoted by another be equally the best diet. Once, again we might agree that moderation is the best in this case.
The secret to healthy eating is moderation, that’s all that needs to be known. Make a list of the foods that you like and then take a calorie check on those foods. The punishment for overeating is that we will need to work three times harder and risk malnutrition to lose the same weight, so important here is not to go too far down the road where it makes the journey detrimental to come back.
We want to minimise snacking and cut down our number of meals a day to 2 or 3. I accept cutting out snacking is difficult, so we substitute snacking with : water, coffee, tea or perhaps coconut water.
Remember some foods are very nutritious but low in calories or are net negative in calories owing to the work needed to digest them. Lean meats, vegetables, coffee, water, tea etc.
Diet and Losing Weight; How to effortlessly loose weight
There is a huge amount of literature,fad diets and so-called experts in this topic, I thought I should break this down,make the advice free and easily available so everyone has access to the key to losing and maintaining a healthy weight, this tends to be a BMI under 26.
The liver and muscles can store carbohydrates in the form.of glycogen. Approximately this will be 1500 to 2000 calories per person. Knowing this fact is of upmost importance when it comes to weight maintenance,weight loss or obtaining your ideal weight.
When we know that we can only store so many calories as carbohydrate, we realize once we are fully loaded with glycogen, all excess eating is going to be stored by the body as fat, that is not immediately used for activities.
Hence, if you are looking to loose weight but are already glycogen full due to heavy eating in the last days, you will need to restrict sugars and complex carbohydrates.
When we add fasting or exercise to the mix, this gets very interesting.
For example; if we have engaged in high intensity exercise recently,we have likely burned a significant amount of carbs and can have a high carbohydrate meal with any risk of weight gain, or have a low carbohydrate meal if we wish to burn fat and loose weight.
A similar analysis is with fasting, if we have fasted a significant period of time, then we have likely burned a lot of carbohydrates, so we have a choice here to replenish all carbohydrates by eating 1-2 substantial meals or by engaging in weight loss by not fully refueling are carbohydrates and encouraging the body to learn fat.
If this analysis helps you to loose or maintain weight be sure to make a donation on this page as the information is entirely free.
The bare minimum to live is estimated at 4.5 hrs sleep every night. I believe 4.5 hrs is essential for normal functions. It is the deep sleep that we derive most benefits. Most of this takes place in the first 4.5 hours. Of course getting 7-9 hours sleep is more optimal for an adult according to health organizations and then 9-12 hours for children is what is recommended by health organizations.
But if one night your sleep is suboptimal don’t fret as you’ll sleep great the next night. The body has an amazing ability to bring things back into natural alignment. If you find you can’t sleep at night, question your daily routine have you not been active enough, try walking a few hours the next day to see if that makes a difference. Most of the information regarding sleep is given by older adults. If you are a younger male or female, you may really be wasting your time spending long hours on sleep advice. When you are young , your body is working optimally and producing large amounts of HGH in any case. I think the case to become obsessed by sleep is for the older adults. I would think younger adults should not be napping during the day, certainly those under 38. There may be the exceptional case for a nap.for a younger adult if they didn’t sleep the night before or were involved in some intensive exercise.
Once again, the sleep cycle is approximately 90 minutes in length. We are all different. The amount of sleep you need will depend on your age, genetics, physical activity levels during the day and your previous nights sleep or weeks sleep. You should know based on your energy levels and ability to fall asleep, what for you is your optimal sleeping time.Personally from experience the first three sleep cycles are the most important, the first one critical,.second one very much needed, and the third a real refresher. Then getting a fourth or fifth or indeed sixth 90 minutes is a real bonanza. Pay attention to your own body and what’s best for you.
I’m aware of many suffering from insomnia. To counter insomnia there are a number of measures you can undertake:
- avoid caffeine and food late and at least two hours before sleeping.
- Don’t drink too much alcohol before sleep.
- Stop using your smartphone, television or any light stimulus at least one hour before you intend to sleep.
- Don’t lie on your bed during the day, sit down, preferably in another room.
- Get up early even if you didn’t sleep well, you may need to reset your cardiac rythms, which can take time.
- Don’t exercise within two hours of bedtime. You aren’t looking to increase your heart rate before sleep.
- Ensure your sleeping environment is neither too hot not too cold. Ideally use an airconditoner to regulate temperature in hot climates.
- Ensure your bedroom light is either twilight or dark, this may be a personal preference.
Fasting or Intermittent Fasting
This really seems in trend. I will do one a post a video , stay tuned. Generally most individuals are happier, more social and functioning better while eating ,drinking an snacking. Imagine a gathering, a festival, a concert, a celebration with everyone fasting ? Yes it would be more like a church atmosphere. Furthermore,.many people are more friendly and receptive in the fed state and a good proportion of the population suffer from the phenomenon of HANGRY.
I wish not to demean , knock or belittle the idea of fasting or Intermittent fasting as I do think it can be useful,.albeit not socially useful. Fasting is closely correlated with meditation and penance in the religious realm.So if you do wish to fast, what do I recommend if you are looking for health benefits ?
Simply stop eating 4-6 hours.before bedtime should be your best choice.
This way the slowing down of your metabolism will coincide with bedtime. For those advocating morning fasts, I would advise that while possible for a few hours, it will cause a fall in your mood, lead to edginess , make you less social ,more irritable and ultimately harder for you to kick start your day !!!
Optimal Intermittent Fasting Time
For health benefits we are looking at 14-22 hours here for most people. This will depend on a number of factors. Most of the literature and video thrash seems to promulgate around the 24 hour fast. So how would you do a 24 hour fast if you are so inclined ?
The best way in my opinion to ensure best emotional and bodily form would to be fast from approximately 12pm or 1 pm until the same time the next day. You would eat a substantial meal at this time and the next day, you might sleep in if possible to minimize the pain of the fast the next morning. Ideally, if you could sleep in until 10am or late the next day would allow you to complete the fast without a huge amount of hypertension. Actually this is why the 16-22 HR range is the best guide for most people, the extra few hours to make it to 24 is going to interfere with not just one day but two of your days. If you follow those who seem to advocate for exceptionally long fasts, most of the enthusiasts seem to be living on an island or in some far fetched reality from most of us that need to go to meetings,meet deadlines etc.
Vitamin D intake and Exposure
I believe and studies have verified in a myriad of cases the importance of this vitamin in disease prevention , fighting and for optimal cellular functions. Besides supplementation and diet, the best way to get sufficient vitamin D is from sun exposure. Studies seem to confirm that this is mostly from UVB exposure which can only occur when the angle of the sun is approximately above 45 degrees. Some seem to suggest a greater angle of 50 degrees or other studies indicate a lower angle may be possible.
Hence, to be sure you get vitamin D from the Sun, you would be looking to expose your skin in the late morning, afternoon or early evening. Then this is also dependent on the time of the year, your skin color and texture and the latitude of the country you are in. If you are living on or near the equator, you can likely get sufficient vitamin D year round from the sun. Whereas, towards the poles, you would be limited.
Of particular importance is those with darker tones to get much longer and exposure, preferably at midday to ensure they aren’t deficient.
Obviously, sun exposure has other risks such as : allergies, burning skin, skin cancer etc so You will need to do your own risk/benefit analysis.
Best form of Exercise to lose Weight
There is souch literature in this field as to what form of exercise that will help you shed the forbidden belly or thin out your thighs or back. Ultimately I will share with you the best form of fat burning exercise inright here, totally free of cost.
While many websites will demand that you sign up, subscribe or buy their product, this information is provided here to free of cost
It is beyond a doubt high intensity training for 20 minutes and more that will really speed up the fat burning process. High intensity exercise sends a huge amounts of signals to the body that vastly hastens the fat-burning process. This is because HIT training will cause depletion of glycogen stores, put the body into a catabolic state, and raise heart rate for a significant period after exercise,.meaning you will be burning more calories for hours if not days after exercise. Furthermore, the intensity of this type of exercise signals to the body to burn fat to make the next effort less demanding or dangerous on the body.
Types of High Intensity Exercise to burn Fat
The best form of fat-burning exercise is running or sprinting. Then ,biking ,swimming , intense gym or calisthenic work outs follow. If your physical condition doesn’t allow for this, you can walk/run or cycle/stop on a stationary bike.
Another Reason why this exercise is so Effective for people looking to lose weight
The beauty of this intense exercise is that puts the body into a catabolic state, breaking itself down which switches on the hormones that suppress appetite. So, Yes , your appetite should be in fact depressed immediately after this work out and your hear still beating faster than usual. Don’t force yourself to eat but allow your appetite to increase in the hours after the work out. This is quite individual. It might be 1-2 hrs depending on the person. Refueling immediately after a HIT training workout is counterproductive to your weight loss plan. Most of the post nutrition literature is based upon bodybuilders and marketing of supplements but is counterproductive to weight loss. You won’t be losing muscle mass from delaying refueling of your body.
General Disclaimer
All words and explanation given on this webpage is what is generally known. For all things connected to your health and diet, that include fitness, diet and sleep, be sure to consult your doctor. You may have a genetic, health issue, illness or other predisposition that makes you allergic, unable to eat certain foods, unable to exercise, or unable to sleep or one that requires excessive sleep etc. This page hopes to describe minimum thresholds, your minimum threshold may be quite a bit higher. Please consult your health practitioner for all sleep, diet, fitness and all things pertaining to your health.