25kg either side plus the Bar weight

This section is dedicated to fitness advice and tips for beginners through intermediate and advance. My advice revolves on a more balanced and controlled attitude towards gyms. I found the need for this section after reviewing countless amounts of fitness advice on the internet from motivators or advisers that abuse steroids. I perceived advice from trainers that abuse substances and obtain a testosterone level of 10 -100 times the normal male not to have any value for the average person. While aesthetically pleasing for some, many people are not informed of the true risks: damage to organs, roid rage, early death, depression, loss of the body’s own ability to produce hormones and irreversible changes to one’s appearance.
Fitness advice, Choose your role models Correctly (youtube.com)
Fitness Updates
I have uploaded some basic training videos to YouTube. Generally speaking, training with one’s own body weight will build and tone muscle that is more functional that muscles obtained from the artificial training in a gym. This is not to say I’m opposed to training in a gym, but if you want toned and functional muscles, then bodyweight training is all that is needed.
What do I mean by Bodyweight training ?
I mean here using one’s own body as resistance. The advantage of bodyweight training is that one is much less likely to injure oneself to a point where they can’t train or suffer muscular,.other soft tissue or nerve damage which CAN HAPPEN in a gym using weights above a person’s natural threshold.
Exercises to include in bodyweight training are: squats with no weight, pushups, sit-ups, stretches, plancks and headstands if one can do these. Then pull ups using a bar , calf raises and static hamstring curls are other exercises you can incorporate for a full workout without the use of iron.
Hill Running
Personally, I’m a huge proponent of hill running to build strong and powerful legs, while also building an awesome cardiac system. A person that can power up a hill is in many ways much stronger than a person that can lift hundreds of pounds off the floor. It is merely a classification issue from different standpoints. If the huge man struggles up a hill you might call him out of shape but then he might lift a boulder off the ground and make the long distance runner look weak !

Simple Exercise to Failure for Massive Growth Hormone
While fad training programs will indicate trendy and modern ways to HGH release, the old way perhaps is less risky and in many ways works better.
For massive HGH release: sprint up a hill or jog up a hill until you feel that you’re only problem in the world is that hill run.
Alternatively, you can do swim sprints in the sea or swimming pool.
Alternatively, do pushups until you can’t do one more, allow your body to tremble and eventually fail.
Alternatively, hold onto a bar in a pull up position and slowly let yourself down, holding onto the bar for a painful period. Here, I don’t encourage you to overdo it, as there is a small risk of injury to the arms or lower back if one really pushes it to the maximum. I would say 90 percent suffices.
Do You Really Need to train at 100 percent for HIT Training
I argue that training at or near 100 percent is inherently dangerous and the return/risk reward isn’t worth it. Instead I believe training at 80 to 95 percent works best for most people. At this intensity injury is less likely but muscle damage is also certain to allow growth. You will notice in most of your training and workouts that even though you held back a small bit and had that extra 5 or so percent you will still be sore the next day or fatigued, which is that is needed to produce growth or endurance.
Complete Body exercise for all round Atrophy
The squat is one of the most complete exercises you can do in the gym. We all have different body mechanics and hence techniques. By going to low, there is an increased risk of injury and the exercise becomes more of a lower back and gluteal rather than quadriceps exercise. I suggest your aim is to keep your back straight to avoid injury. Here is an illustrative video.